Ardee developed a love for Japanese animation and culture due to her exposure to it via the 90s anime shown during her childhood and from it, learned to love the artistic practice of drawing at an early age.
Being the youngest of three children for the majority of her early years, the introduction of her younger sister brought conflict into her sensitive heart and turned her somewhat vengeful and more mischievous. But alas, her animosity was short lived and the younger sister, Aya, became a very close confidant instead.
Growing up in a Christian household had its ups and downs but it was mostly a great experience for Ardee and was such a great help especially after the death of her mother when she was thirteen. Through this ordeal, the four siblings became closer and as the years crept on, their relationship with each other only grew deeper.
Still a great fan of Japanese animation and culture, Ardee is constantly on the look out for interesting manga (Japanese comics) and fascinating anime - not excluding Western comics of course. Not to mention books. Yes, Ardee is a book junkie. Her obsession with the fictitious stories have led her to dream of writing her own novels.
And thus, to summarize who The Mastermind is...
Ardee is a God follower. Self-proclaimed geek. Loves cats. Avid fan of Supernatural. Disenchanted artist. Closet writer. Occasional voracious reader. Four-eyed, five-three, and would want to go to Italy one day.
Apologies to the utter randomness.